South Saxon House Surgery

Lines open: 8am to 6.00pm

Cervical screening

The cervical screening programme offers all women aged 25-49 a smear every three year and; those aged 50-64 every five years. Women over this age require a smear test if they have not had a smear since the age of 50 or if previous abnormality.   The Screening Department will write to you when your cervical screening is due, please do not book your appointment until you have received this letter or have been advised by a Doctor to do so. The smear test is usually taken by a Practice Nurse.

Please see more information about cervical smears here. If you have any concerns about having a test, please speak to one of the Practice Nurses or to your GP.

For further information on cervical screening, visit

Date published: 23rd February, 2023
Date last updated: 23rd February, 2023